How To Get A Custom Quote

  1. Visit the website: Go to and browse through the listings to find the services you need.
  2. Find the listing: Once you find a listing that matches your needs, click on it to view the details.
  3. Click “Reply to Listing”: On the listing page, you will see a “Reply to Listing” button. Click on it to send a message to the contractor.
  4. Enter your details: In the message, provide as much detail as possible about the project you need help with. Be sure to include any specific requirements or preferences you have.
  5. Send the message: After you have entered all the necessary details, click “Send Message” to submit your request.
  6. Wait for a response: The contractor will receive your message and will respond with a custom quote tailored to your needs. They may ask additional questions or provide more information about their services.
  7. Review the quote: Once you receive the quote, review it carefully to ensure it meets your needs and budget. If necessary, you can request further customization or clarification from the contractor.

By following these steps, you can easily request a custom quote on Our Dusty Attic and have a contractor make a custom listing for you.