How To Manage Availability In Your Calendar

If you’re a contractor on, managing your availability is key to ensuring that you can provide quality service to your clients while also maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Fortunately, the platform makes it easy to block and unblock your availability using the Calendar tab in your dashboard. In this article, we’ll walk you through the process of blocking and unblocking dates and times so you can make the most of the platform’s scheduling features.

Blocking Availability

To block your availability on, start by logging into your account and navigating to the Calendar tab in your dashboard. Once you’re there, you’ll see a monthly calendar view with all the dates highlighted in blue. Each day is divided into time slots, which are marked with vertical lines.

To block your availability for a specific day or time slot, simply click and drag your mouse over the area you want to block. This will highlight the selection in gray. You can select as many days and time slots as you like. Once you’ve selected the dates and times you want to block, click this button at the top:

This will bring up a confirmation window asking you to confirm that you want to block the selected dates and times. Once you confirm, will automatically mark those dates and times as unavailable on your calendar, and clients will not be able to book your services during those times.

Unblocking Availability

If you need to make yourself available again after blocking your availability, the process is just as simple. Start by navigating to the Calendar tab in your dashboard and selecting the dates and times you want to unblock. You can do this by clicking and dragging your mouse over the grayed-out area and pressing the unblock button that looks like this:

Once you’ve selected the dates and times you want to unblock, click the “Unblock” button at the top of the page. This will bring up a confirmation window asking you to confirm that you want to unblock the selected dates and times. Once you confirm, will mark those dates and times as available again, and clients will be able to book your services during those times.

It’s important to note that blocking your availability does not cancel any existing bookings you may have during that time. If you need to cancel a booking, you’ll need to do so separately by contacting the client directly or using the platform’s messaging system.

In conclusion, managing your availability is a crucial part of running a successful contracting business on By taking advantage of the platform’s easy-to-use scheduling features, you can ensure that you’re always available when you need to be and can take a break when you need it. Whether you’re blocking dates for personal reasons or unblocking dates to accommodate a new client, the process is quick and straightforward, allowing you to focus on what you do best – providing top-quality services to your clients.